
welcome to my website!

my name is joey. this is my own personal corner of the internet that i built to share my art, information about myself, and things that i enjoy. feel free to click around and explore.

it should be noted that this website was built with a desktop browsing experience in mind, so if you're viewing this on your phone you might have a less-than-stellar experience.

also, i'm an adult. since this is essentially my cyber-bedroom, there may be content and discussion on here that isn't suitable for minors. if there's anything potentially triggering i'll do my best to signify that, but take this as a ~general disclaimer.~

thanks for stopping by! :3

here's another heading i guess,,,

i'm just writing this to see what the main panel looks like stretched out bc the left sidebar is way too long.

i feel like the main appeal of making this website was the ability to control the form of the information i put on the internet, and i never really asked myself what information i want to share that would necessitate such a strenuous endeavor.

but i've made it this far already so i guess i oughtta come up with something!